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Life Strategist Serra Elçi grew up objecting to social dogmas from a very early age and continued her inner journey, which she started at the age of 16 to seek the truth, with numerous trainings she attended at home and abroad.


My dear Serra you're so great and thanks god you're with us. It's a great pleasure  for us to make this trip with you

I didn't count how many times I read it, but there's one thing I know. Thanks god, you have touched our lives at a time when life tested each one of us differently, Serram. Thanks God. Thanks God.

Serra, you have been a wonderful energy and a great power. I felt it when I was with you, but you're also so powerful from a distance. You sum it up so well. Thank you.

I was surprised when I learned that there was no such thing as coincidence and no one ever entered our lives just like that. I understand it better every day.

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